Tuesday, May 5, 2009

A New Beginning

Why do I want to share my personal experiences?

During the course of my lifetime, I've gone through many challenges and I've learned a lot from them and how to overcome them.

I asked myself, "What is it that influences human beings the most in this life?" For many people it's writing poems...having adventures around the world... discovering new things that make them feel wanted and alive...It can be simple things like reading, watching movies, sharing good times with friends, dancing...etc...There are so many things that motivate us as human being to discover ourselves..new things that excite us...that give us the desire, the stamina to live and, through our examples help others make positive changes in their lives. I've discovered many things and I want to share my personal experiences on this journey.

The foundation of my life has been to always keep myself motivated...something that every human being possesses but doesn't always bring to the surface. I've discovered that in the moments in my life when I'd lost all hope for everything- my dreams, my desires, my hopes...everything because I couldn't see a way out, an end to my suffering...It was a horrible time in my life and I didn't want to exist anymore. I decided "Enough was enough"- I needed to stay alive! So I began to research, sounds so clinical but I had to remove myself somehow..from myself...so I began to read and study...invesitgate, watch television programs...and what I discovered from all this I hope will be an inspiration to others.

There were four primary chains around my neck that kept me from joy, from living my life happily and fully: Depression, Anxiety, Anorexia and Abuse. Four silent killers, each one deadly in its own right. I battled them all and survived.

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